Popcorn Hack #1

# Step 1: Create a Set
my_set = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
print("Initial set:", my_set)

# Step 2: Add an Element
print("After adding 6:", my_set)

# Step 3: Remove an Element
print("After removing 2:", my_set)

# Step 4: Union of Sets
new_set = {7, 8, 9}
my_set = my_set.union(new_set)
print("After union with {7, 8, 9}:", my_set)

# Step 5: Clear the Set
print("After clearing the set:", my_set)

Popcorn Hack #2

# Step 1: Create a String
my_string = "Learning Python is not fun"
print("Original string:", my_string)

# Step 2: String Length
string_length = len(my_string)
print("Length of the string:", string_length)

# Step 3: String Slicing
extracted_word = my_string[9:15]  # "Python" starts at index 9 and ends before index 15
print("Extracted word:", extracted_word)

# Step 4: String Uppercase
uppercase_string = my_string.upper()
print("Uppercase string:", uppercase_string)

# Step 5: String Replace
replaced_string = my_string.replace("fun", "good")
print("String after replacement:", replaced_string)

Original string: Learning Python is not fun
Length of the string: 26
Extracted word: Python
String after replacement: Learning Python is not good

Popcorn Hack #3

# Step 1: Create a List
my_list = [3, 5, 7, 9, 11]
print("Original list:", my_list)

# Step 2: Access an Element
third_element = my_list[2]  # Index 2 corresponds to the third element
print("Third element:", third_element)

# Step 3: Modify an Element
my_list[1] = 6  # Change the second element (index 1) to 6
print("List after modifying second element:", my_list)

# Step 4: Add an Element
my_list.append(13)  # Append 13 to the list
print("List after appending 13:", my_list)

# Step 5: Remove an Element
my_list.remove(9)  # Remove the element 9 from the list
print("List after removing 9:", my_list)

# Bonus: Sort the list in descending order
print("Sorted list in descending order:", my_list)

Original list: [3, 5, 7, 9, 11]
Third element: 7
List after modifying second element: [3, 6, 7, 9, 11]
List after appending 13: [3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13]
List after removing 9: [3, 6, 7, 11, 13]
Sorted list in descending order: [13, 11, 7, 6, 3]

Popcorn Hack #4 + Bonus

# Step 1: Create a Dictionary
personal_info = {
    "name": "Vibha Jayanth Mandayam",
    "email": "vibha@example.com",
    "phone number": "123-456-7890"

# Step 2: Print out the Dictionary
print("Personal Info Dictionary:", personal_info)

# Step 3: Print out the name from your dictionary
print("My Name is:", personal_info["name"])

# Step 4: Print the Length
print("Overall Length of the Dictionary:", len(personal_info))

# Step 5: Print the Type
print("Overall Type of the Dictionary:", type(personal_info))

# Bonus: Add another dictionary with the same keys
another_person = {
    "name": "Alex Smith",
    "email": "alex@example.com",
    "phone number": "098-765-4321"

# Print the new dictionary
print("Another Person's Info Dictionary:", another_person)

Personal Info Dictionary: {'name': 'Vibha Jayanth Mandayam', 'email': 'vibha@example.com', 'phone number': '123-456-7890'}
My Name is: Vibha Jayanth Mandayam
Overall Length of the Dictionary: 3
Overall Type of the Dictionary: <class 'dict'>
Another Person's Info Dictionary: {'name': 'Alex Smith', 'email': 'alex@example.com', 'phone number': '098-765-4321'}

Homework Hacks (Python)

Part 1: Create Personal Info (dict)

# Part 1: Create Personal Info (dict)
personal_info = {
    "full_name": "Vibha Mandayam",  # String
    "years": 16,                             # Integer
    "location": "San Diego",               # String
    "favorite_food": "Pizza"                  # String

# Print the dictionary to verify
print("Personal Info Dictionary:", personal_info)

Personal Info Dictionary: {'full_name': 'Vibha Mandayam', 'years': 16, 'location': 'San Diego', 'favorite_food': 'Pizza'}

Part 2: Create a List of Activities (list)

# Part 2: Create a List of Activities (list)
activities = [
    "Playing basketball"

# Print the activities list
print("Activities List:", activities)

Part 3: Add Activities to Personal Info (dict and list)

# Part 1: Create Personal Info (dict)
personal_info = {
    "full_name": "Vibha Mandayam",
    "years": 16,
    "location": "San Diego",
    "favorite_food": "Pizza"

# Part 2: Create a List of Activities (list)
activities = [
    "Playing basketball"

# Part 3: Add Activities to Personal Info (dict and list)
personal_info["activities"] = activities  # Add the activities list to the dictionary

# Print the updated personal_info dictionary
print("Updated Personal Info Dictionary:", personal_info)

Updated Personal Info Dictionary: {'full_name': 'Vibha Mandayam', 'years': 16, 'location': 'San Diego', 'favorite_food': 'Pizza', 'activities': ['Reading', 'Coding', 'Playing basketball']}

Part 4: Check Availability of an Activity (bool)

# Part 1: Create Personal Info (dict)
personal_info = {
    "full_name": "Vibha Mandayam",
    "years": 15,
    "location": "San Diego",
    "favorite_food": "Pizza",
    "activities": [
        "Playing basketball"

# Part 4: Check Availability of an Activity (bool)
# Choose an activity to check
chosen_activity = "Coding"

# Set activity_available based on whether the activity is available today
activity_available = True  # Set to False if the activity is not available today

# Print the availability message
print(f"Is '{chosen_activity}' available today? {activity_available}")

Is 'Coding' available today? True

Part 5: Total Number of Activities (int)

# Part 1: Create Personal Info (dict)
personal_info = {
    "full_name": "Vibha Mandayam",
    "years": 15,
    "location": "SD",
    "favorite_food": "Pizza",
    "activities": [
        "Playing basketball"

# Part 5: Total Number of Activities (int)
total_activities = len(personal_info["activities"])  # Get the number of activities in the list

# Print the message
print(f"I have {total_activities} activities.")

I have 3 activities.

Part 6: Favorite Activities (tuple)

# Part 6: Favorite Activities (tuple)
favorite_activities = (

# Print the favorite_activities tuple
print("Favorite Activities Tuple:", favorite_activities)

Part 7: Add a New Set of Skills (set)

# Part 7: Add a New Set of Skills (set)
skills = set()  # Create an empty set

# Add unique skills to the set
skills.add("Python programming")

# Print the set of skills
print("Skills Set:", skills)

Skills Set: {'Python programming', 'Problem-solving', 'Communication'}

Part 8: Consider a New Skill (NoneType)

# Part 8: Consider a New Skill (NoneType)
new_skill = None  # You haven't decided yet

# Print the value of new_skill
print("New Skill:", new_skill)

New Skill: None

Part 9: Calculate Total Hobby and Skill Cost (float)

# Part 9: Calculate Total Hobby and Skill Cost (float)

# Define costs
activity_cost = 5.0  # Cost per activity
skill_cost = 10.0    # Cost per skill

# Number of activities and skills
total_activities = 3  # From previous steps
total_skills = len(skills)  # Count the number of skills in the set

# Calculate total cost
total_cost = (total_activities * activity_cost) + (total_skills * skill_cost)

# Print the total cost
print(f"Total cost to pursue activities and develop skills: ${total_cost:.2f}")

Total cost to pursue activities and develop skills: $45.00

Javascript Popcorn Hacks

Popcorn Hack 1 (SETS):

// Create a set called Set1 of 3 numbers
const Set1 = new Set([1, 2, 3]); // You can choose any numbers

// Create a set called Set2 of different 3 numbers
const Set2 = new Set([4, 5, 6]); // Choose different numbers from Set1

// Log both sets separately
console.log("Set1:", Array.from(Set1));
console.log("Set2:", Array.from(Set2));

// Add a number to Set1
Set1.add(7); // Adding the number 7 to Set1
console.log("Set1 after adding 7:", Array.from(Set1));

// Remove the 1st number from Set1 (in this case, we remove the number 1)
Set1.delete(1); // Removing the number 1 from Set1
console.log("Set1 after removing 1:", Array.from(Set1));

// Log the union of both Set1 and Set2
const unionSet = new Set([...Set1, ...Set2]); // Create a union of both sets
console.log("Union of Set1 and Set2:", Array.from(unionSet));

// Create a Dictionary called "application"
const application = {
    name: "Ruhee Banthia",        // Name of the person
    age: 15,                 // Age of the person
    experiences: [           // Array of experiences
    money: 150000000             // Amount of money

// Log the dictionary to make sure it works
console.log("Application Dictionary:", application);

// Log only the dictionarys money
console.log("Money:", application.money);

Homework Hacks

// Function to gather applicant information
function gatherApplicantInfo() {
    // Create an empty dictionary (object) to store applicant information
    const applicant = {};

    // Ask for the applicant's name
    applicant.name = prompt("What is your name?");
    // Ask for the applicant's age
    applicant.age = prompt("What is your age?");
    // Ask for the applicant's experiences
    const experiences = [];
    let experience;
    // Keep asking for experiences until the user types "done"
    while (true) {
        experience = prompt("Enter an experience (or type 'done' to finish):");
        if (experience.toLowerCase() === 'done') {
            break;  // Exit the loop if the user types 'done'
        experiences.push(experience);  // Add the experience to the array
    applicant.experiences = experiences; // Store the experiences in the dictionary

    // Log the user's input
    console.log("Applicant Information:", applicant);

// Call the function to gather information