
I added two features that are relevant in the game. I created a file called PlatformFilter.js which extends GameObject. I added a change Appearance function that applies filters to platforms.

constructor(canvas, image, data, xPercentage, yPercentage) { super(canvas, image, data); this.platformX = xPercentage * GameEnv.innerWidth; this.platformY = yPercentage; this.direction = -1; // Move up this.speed = 0.5; // Reduced speed this.maxTop = 300;

movePlatform() { let currentPosition = parseInt( || 0;

    // Only move up
    if (currentPosition <= this.maxTop) { // Changed condition to check if it's below maxTop
        this.direction = 1; // Change direction to move down
    } else if (currentPosition >= (GameEnv.bottom - this.canvas.height)) { // Ensure it stays within the bottom of the game environment
        this.direction = -1;
    } = currentPosition + this.direction * this.speed + 'px';
} } <code>

In the platform code above, it defines the action of the game object. The constructors provide the variables needed to construct the object, such as the image, direction and x and y percentages. For the moving platform, we wanted it to carry out a specific function that is set off by the player. We created a movePlatform function describes the objects function.

changeAppearance() {

    const element = document.getElementById('yourElementId');

// Apply CSS filter
// = 'blur(5px)'; = 'hue-rotate(90deg)';
// = 'sepia(0.9)';
// = 'drop-shadow(5px 5px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5))';

} <code>

The next feature I added is the moving platform function. I created the move Platform function by first initializing the platform position before adding code to check the position of the platform to move it upwards and downwards. This.draw() gives a visual representation so that the image moves with the hitbox. I also had to define more variables in the constructor, such as the direction, speed, and a maximum top position which was not previously needed.

constructor(canvas, image, data, xPercentage, yPercentage) { super(canvas, image, data); this.platformX = xPercentage * GameEnv.innerWidth; this.platformY = yPercentage; this.direction = -1; // Move up this.speed = 0.5; // Reduced speed this.maxTop = 300;

movePlatform() { let currentPosition = parseInt( || 0;

    // Only move up
    if (currentPosition <= this.maxTop) { // Changed condition to check if it's below maxTop
        this.direction = 1; // Change direction to move down
    } else if (currentPosition >= (GameEnv.bottom - this.canvas.height)) { // Ensure it stays within the bottom of the game environment
        this.direction = -1;
    } = currentPosition + this.direction * this.speed + 'px';
} } <code>

The next feature I added is the moving platform function. I created the move Platform function by first initializing the platform position before adding code to check the position of the platform to move it upwards and downwards. This.draw() gives a visual representation so that the image moves with the hitbox. I also had to define more variables in the constructor, such as the direction, speed, and a maximum top position which was not previously needed.

constructor(canvas, image, data, xPercentage, yPercentage) { super(canvas, image, data); this.platformX = xPercentage * GameEnv.innerWidth; this.platformY = yPercentage; this.direction = -1; // Move up this.speed = 0.5; // Reduced speed this.maxTop = 300;

movePlatform() { let currentPosition = parseInt( || 0;

    // Only move up
    if (currentPosition <= this.maxTop) { // Changed condition to check if it's below maxTop
        this.direction = 1; // Change direction to move down
    } else if (currentPosition >= (GameEnv.bottom - this.canvas.height)) { // Ensure it stays within the bottom of the game environment
        this.direction = -1;
    } = currentPosition + this.direction * this.speed + 'px';
} } <code>